
I’m assuming that:

  • Jekyll is installed and you know how to work with it (it’s relatively easy and you can check the links provided at the end of this post).
  • Main Github Pages website is setup and ready (here’s mine).
  • You have your website layout ready (I forked Andrej Karpathy’s blog website from his github repository).


  • The very first thing I do is create /docs folder in the main repository (example here).

  • After this I just used the configuration files from Karpathy’s repository (obviously I didn’t plagarise his work and only used the website layout which is open-source) and ran bundle install command to update website in accordance with _config.yml contents.

    I ran into an error involving charlock_holmes and resolved that by sudo apt install libicu-dev. Also the website didn’t deploy until I installed bundle add webrick.

    If you want to you build your own website layout, use the command jekyll new --skip-bundle .

  • Now, commit and push the changes to remote github repository.

  • Next, go to Settings/Pages on Github and select the main branch alongside the /docs folder under Build and deployment section.

  • Finally, copy the markdown file to main github pages’s posts folder too (for some reason it only pick links from main website).


This post covers:

  • Setting up repository website using Github Pages.